Thursday, December 14, 2006

Yummy or not so yummy chinese food in Xi'an

My wife was watching Chinese television tonight and saw a program about food in Xi'an. In case you don't know Xi'an is home of the first Emperor in China and where you will find the amazing terracotta warriors.

Back to the food. My wife who is from Beijing loves her food and tells me so often about just how much food you can try in China. On the program they started off by showing some of the off-beat food I am in no way keen to try. At a market they had skewers with all things imaginable on them. The presenter of the show started by eating a centipede, he next tried a scorpion. This place even had spiders on the menu.

The next stop on the food exploration tour in Xi'an was not far from the City centre and the drum tower. This guy went to several restaurants and watched the chefs make noodles in front of him. They also showed so many other yummy looking local treats. Noodles of all varieties were prominent on the menu.

All of the food shown on this show had its origins in Xi'an. It was amazing just how much variety they had. My wife and I visited Xi'an in 2000 and tried a small portion of what was shown on the television show. My presenter on the show had a local guide to take him to all of the eating places. It shows that it is best to get expert help when making travel plans.

If you are interested in tasting the many tempting and not so tempting dishes available in China visit my website and read about finding a cheap flight to Beijing. Then go ahead and book your flights. From Beijing you can either fly or take the train. I enjoyed the train ride which took about 16 hours.

After seeing this show my wife kept saying she wants to go to China as she misses the food so much. We now live in Canberra, Australia

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